Debates of August 20, 2019 (day 87)
Committee Motion 220-18(3): Bill 34: Mineral Resources Act – Motion to Amend Clause 22 by adding after (7.2), Defeated
Mr. Chair, I move that that subclause 22(7.1) of Bill 34 be amended by adding "or municipalities" after "governments or organizations." Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. O'Reilly. There is a motion on the floor. The motion is in order and is being distributed. The motion has been distributed. To the motion. Mr. O'Reilly.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. This would extend the ability to receive written reasons to municipal governments on if the Minister declines to accept a restricted area. Thanks, Mr. Chair.
Thank you. To the motion. Mr. Testart.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Again, I think this is a very important section or important change because we have heard this concern from municipalities. For whatever reason, that might have not been the case with the government's early discussions with the public engagement around this, but it is certainly something the committee found. I think it is important that we respond to this in a meaningful way. If we are unable to, if the government can't support this amendment for whatever reason, we still need to find a solution.
I am not going to reflect on the outcome of previous matters, but a number of debates have occurred over motions that have been raised so far. I have yet to hear my colleagues, my friends across the way raise their voices to debate in a parliament, which is imperative to inform the public record on why we are doing this or why we are not doing it. It is a bit disappointing that these motions continue to be raised and are not being given the fullness of debate to understand their contents and understand the positions around it. I hope that can change as we continue on this process. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
To the motion.
Question has been called. I will allow the mover to close the debate. Mr. O'Reilly.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Nothing to add. I request a recorded vote. Thank you.