Debates of August 20, 2019 (day 87)


Committee Motion 234-18(3): Bill 34: Mineral Resources Act – Amend subclause 111(4) to add (4.1) and (4.2), Defeated

Mr. Chair, I move that Bill 34 be amended by adding the following after subclause 111(4):

(4.1) A copy of each regulation that the Commissioner in Executive Council proposes to make under this act shall be published in the Northwest Territories Gazette, and a reasonable opportunity shall be afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister in respect of the proposed regulations.

(4.2) No proposed regulation need be published more than once under subsection (4.1), whether or not it is altered or amended after such publication as a result of representations made by interested persons as provided in that subsection.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Thank you. There is a motion on the floor. The motion is in order. To the motion. Mr. Testart.

Thank you, Chair. The intention of this motion is to be consistent with other pieces of Territorial legislation. The sole example is the Petroleum Resources Act. This same provision exists there. It allows opportunity for the public to review regulations as they are published and to provide them with an opportunity to comment. This is something that we heard from civil society, from industry, and from Indigenous organizations, as well. I think it is important that we give the public the opportunity to weigh in on these regulations.

As this is a consistent theme that we have heard throughout the review of these bills, this, I think, is a good amendment to have, and it is consistent with the PRA, as well. The government did not see fit to amend the PRA to remove this provision. Although it is a federal artefact, it is one that was retained. All this is, is making it consistent with the PRA. I encourage Members to support it. Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would request a recorded vote at the appropriate time. Thank you.