Debates of October 31, 2024 (day 36)
Question 405-20(1): Winter Road Season Planning

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Following up on my questions -- or my statement to the Minister of Housing NWT on ensuring that our products get delivered for home construction and home occupancy, my first question to the Minister: What planning is underway to ensure home materials are in preparation for trucking during this winter road season? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Member from Sahtu. Minister of Infrastructure -- oh, sorry, my fault. Minister of housing.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It must be Halloween because we're -- there's a lot of trip ups today, but that's okay. Thank you to the Member for the question.
It's important that we prepare for our housing projects over this next little while considering the low water levels. On the Mackenzie has presented many challenges for transportation. What we're planning to do with Housing NWT is work towards the winter road and be prepared for winter road transportation for housing materials and housing modular units. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thanks to the Minister for that reply.
My next question is the arrivals of materials to the final destination, is the Minister -- will be working with the local LHOs to ensure that the waybills and the product is being delivered? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, again, much of this work is ongoing. We have an infrastructure team within Housing NWT that works on design and also the rollout of housing infrastructure projects within the communities. So a lot of this work is ongoing. There's a lot of internal work and a lot of discussions with local housing associations to make sure that these projects are delivered on time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Minister responsible for Housing NWT.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My final question is that we have a one season annual approach to resupplying our communities, and earlier, we are hit -- we, the Sahtu, is hit with another increase in costs. Now we're going to see our power bills increase by 25 points over and above starting soon after the GRA is in the process. So viewing the additional costs and viewing the wood stove subsidies and the program offered to reduce costs on energy by Arctic Alliance, will the Minister work with my office to see if there's additional trucking loads that could supply wood stoves from southern suppliers to the Sahtu? Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Something that Housing NWT does internally is work with communities on the loads going into the communities. I can have this discussion with the MLA, also with Housing NWT, to make sure that these loads going in are full loads and that we're utilizing all resources. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Minister for Housing NWT. Colleagues, before we get to continue with oral questions, we have lots of beautiful guests here. I'm going to turn to the Premier for -- since it's under his portfolio. Mr. Premier.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for using your prerogative to allow me to introduce to the House the government service officers from around the Northwest Territories who are here in town for training. These are the people at the frontline of integrated service delivery in the Northwest Territories. So we have with us today:
George Morin
Celine Proctor - Fort Good Hope
Patricia Voudrach - Tuktoyaktuk
Connie Villenuve - Jean Marie River
Tina Apples - Gameti
Cassandra Paul-Greenland - Aklavik
Elizabeth Romie - Whati
Irene Kodakin - Deline
Sharon Pekok - Hay River Reserve
Eddy McKay - Fort Resolution
Kimberly Stewart - Tulita
Ann Kochon-Orlias - Colville Lake
Albert Ruben - Paulatuk
Alayna Krutko - Fort Providence
Sarah Kallak - Ulukahtoak
Shandel McLeod - Aklavik
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Welcome.
I would like to welcome GSOs here. You guys do an amazing job. We're very fortunate, one of my former members, constituent -- well, I guess you're still my constituent, Connie Villeneuve and her better half -- or not her better half, Jonas Sanques for being here. I'm going to get in trouble now. Welcome. Thank you very much for the work that you do. You guys are a great asset by the government, and you got a good leader there, so thank you very much for being here today.
Oral questions. Member from Yellowknife North.