Debates of November 1, 2024 (day 37)
Question 416-20(1): Transitional Housing

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Premier spoke a bit the other day about a newly formed governance and service integration division under EIA. So my questions are to the Premier about that. Specifically, he spoke to the fact that the division will focus on increasing transitional and supportive housing options. My question is would he be considering housing options for women and families fleeing domestic violence in those housing options? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Member from Great Slave. Mr. Premier.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And there's been interactions with homelessness and other aspects of life. Someone might be homeless because they have to flee the home that they've been living in. Right now that funding sits with health and social services, but it would only make sense to ensure that the departments are working together and that at least the left hand knows what the right hand is doing. That's one of the things we want to do with this division, is improve the culture of integrated services and cross-departmental coordination. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I can accept that. I just want to draw attention specifically to the need for housing for folks who are fleeing violence. It's great, it's gotten greater since the pandemic, and so I would like to see if the Premier will commit to looking into how this new division will be best supporting those folks through whatever department is holding the pockets of the purse. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I think it's go od for me to have that very specific information, so I will look into it. I would also like to offer a briefing to the standing committee, the appropriate standing committee, on the new division and how it's going to be -- how it's going to operate and the work that is currently happening. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Mr. Premier. Member from Great Slave. Oral questions. Member from Range Lake.