Debates of November 1, 2024 (day 37)
Question 418-20(1): Cell Service

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the 20th Assembly set four priorities, and the fourth one is safe residents and communities. Mr. Speaker, all communities in the Northwest Territories have fire cell towers that they have access to in the event they need for emergency purposes. Mr. Speaker, my constituents in N'dilo struggle to have cell services for an emergency. My question is to the Minister of Infrastructure. How can the GNWT infrastructure work with CRTC cell phone providers to provide much needed cell towers in the community of N'dilo for emergency purposes? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I can speak for the work that's happening within the Department of Finance and that has been underway for sometime. We have advocated and continue to advocate to CRTC, as well as to federal colleagues, in ISED responsible for the broadband fund, that these funding pots need to be available to support telecommunications around the territory, around remote communities, and to better support these access points. So this was an opportunity when we saw some increases in funding. For example, when the broadband line went up to Whati, it was an opportunity for the Tlicho government, a project on their lands. There could be opportunities here for YKDFN, projects on their lands. And we certainly do want to see those opportunities made available with funds that are otherwise available on the table. So we'll continue that advocacy. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I brought this issue up in the 19th Assembly, and I'm glad that there's some movement now to look at ways as to how we could deal with this problem. My question, Mr. Speaker, is that can the Minister work with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation to come up with an emergency backup plan for the residents in N'dilo in the event they have to call for an emergency for fire, ambulance, and police protection? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I can perhaps start by saying that I'll work with my colleague, the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, on this area. It's one that I know is dear to his heart, to ensure that all residents have appropriate access to emergency services, and I'm more than happy to do so. I think he, and also my other colleague, the Minister of Health and Social Services, similarly share that we want to ensure folks have access to such services. So happy to begin to have that conversation or perhaps join their conversation so that we are all working towards that common goal and, similarly, to ensure that we are involving the Yellowknives Dene First Nation given that it would be for the benefits on their land. So absolutely, Mr. Speaker, we can move that forward. Thank you.
Thank you, Minister of Infrastructure. Colleagues, before I turn to the question again, please be very specific to the departments. Don't go multi-departments because I sometimes have a question of where you're asking the question. So Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Yeah, thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I did say the Minister of Infrastructure. But anyway, I just want to -- I'm looking forward to work with the Minister and also the Yellowknives Dene First Nation to come up with a plan. But it's really important that we need to address this issue because this issue's been ongoing for a very long time. And I just want to just leave that there, and it's just a comment. So I want to say mahsi.
So thank you. Colleagues, first and foremost, when you ask questions for Infrastructure and you include MACA and health in it, it means -- doesn't matter just because you asked the question for Infrastructure, the Minister for Infrastructure cannot answer the questions for the other ones.
As well, I don't need commentary. If you don't have questions for a third one, please pass it on to the other one. I think I've said this numerous times so I'm going to reissue it again.
Oral questions. Member from Yellowknife Centre.