Sergeants-at-Arms first made their appearance as far back as the 13th century as bodyguards or armed servants of the Kings and Queens. By the 15th century, one Sergeant-at-Arms was appointed to the House of Commons on behalf of the Monarchy. Soon, however, the Commons was able to choose its own Sergeant-at-Arms to attend to the Speaker and Commons in general. Today, the Sergeant-at-Arms still attends to the Speaker and the Legislative Assembly. The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for the security of the Speaker, Members, staff and guests of the Legislative Assembly.
One of the main duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms is the care and custody of the Mace. In the Speaker’s Parade (or Procession) that begins each day’s session, the Sergeant-at-Arms leads the Speaker, the Clerk, the Deputy Clerk, the Clerk of Committees, and two Pages into the Legislative Assembly Chamber. The Sergeant-at-Arms carries the Mace on their right shoulder and then places it in a special stand in front of the Clerks Table, where it remains throughout the sitting as a symbol of the Assembly’s authority. When in the Chamber, the Sergeant-at-Arms sits at the end of the Chamber opposite the Speaker.
Another duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Assembly is to administer the Page program at the Legislature. The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for establishing the work schedule, standards of behavior, supplying uniforms and the general day-to-day supervision of the program.
Speaker's Procession
During the Speaker's Procession that begins each day of Session, the Sergeant-at-Arms leads the Speaker, Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Principal Clerk, and two Pages into the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly.
The Mace is carried in on the shoulder of the Sergeant-at-Arms and then placed on a special stand located in front of the Clerk's Table, where it remains throughout the sitting as a symbol of the Assembly's authority. When in the Chamber, the Sergeant-at-Arms sits at opposite the Speaker.

Opening of the First Session of the 18th Legislative Assembly