Pay and Benefits

Remuneration for Members of the Legislative Assembly 

Updated: April 1, 2024

Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories receive an annual salary of $117,668, pursuant to section 17 of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act.

Indemnities for Extra Duties Paid to Members holding an office in addition to that of MLA

Speaker $57,328

Premier $96,991

Minister $69,516

Deputy Speaker $8,587

Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole $5,154

Chair of the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight $11,210

Chair of a Standing Committee $7,608

Chair of Special Committees $3,805

Chair of Caucus $3,805

Members are also entitled to a non-taxable, non-accountable expense allowance of $8,786. Members who do not live within commuting distance of the capital are eligible for an additional non-taxable, non-accountable allowance of $8,786 for expenses incurred while in the capital on constituency business or business as a Member. Members will be paid a northern allowance based on the community where the member is deemed to reside.

Indemnities for members are detailed in the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act.

Expenses and Allowances

A member who does not reside within commuting distance of the capital may establish a temporary residence in Yellowknife and be reimbursed up to $31,000 annually for capital accommodation.  Where a member establishes a secondary residence in Yellowknife, they may be reimbursed up to $31,000 plus an additional $6,000 for each dependent residing in the secondary residence to a maximum annual total of $49,000.

Other Benefits

GNWT Accidental Death and Dismemberment-Duty Travel

This is available to MLAs on a 24-hour-a-day, year-round basis, as long as they are not the pilot of an aircraft or a member of the crew. The maximum compensation that will be paid for accidental death and dismemberment is $200,000.

Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP)

This insurance plan has four parts.

  • Basic Life insurance equal to two years' salary
  • Supplementary Life insurance equal to one year's salary
  • Accidental death and dismemberment coverage is available up to a maximum of 10 units at $25,000 each (maximum benefit is $250,000 on loss of life)
  • Dependants' Insurance - $5,000 on life of a spouse and $2,500 on the life of each child. These amounts are doubled if accidental death occurs.

All PSMIP insurance plans are optional. Premiums are based on age and basic salary and are deducted from salary.

Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP)

PSHCP is a supplementary health care plan. Participation, including the level of coverage, is optional.

Premiums for Level I coverage are paid by the Legislative Assembly. The MLA and the Legislative Assembly share premiums for Level II and Level III.

The plan covers many expenses not covered under the NWT Health Care Plan. The Extended Health Care Benefit includes prescription drugs, a vision care benefit, and an emergency travel benefit.

The Hospital Benefit is available in three levels with adjusted premiums. This Benefit provides reimbursement up to a maximum limit for semi-private or private hospital rooms.

Dental Plan

The plan provides MLAs with 100% reimbursement for all eligible expenses, subject to a yearly deductible of $25 for single coverage and $50 for family coverage.

The plan provides orthodontic coverage for dependents under the age of 19. Reimbursement is limited to 50% of actual costs, to a maximum of $4,000 per dependant per lifetime.

Registered Pension Plan

Members are required to join the plan as soon as they are elected. They contribute 6.5% of their pensionable income. The pension becomes vested with the Member after serving one full term or four years in office, whichever comes first.

For service after 1991, Members will receive, upon reaching pensionable age, two percent of the average of their four years' best taxable income multiplied by the number of years of service, to a maximum of 30 years. Pensionable age is the earliest of 60 years, 30 years of service, or the sum of age plus years of service equal to 80.

Supplementary Pension Plan

Members of the Legislative Assembly are also given the option to enroll in a Supplementary Retiring Allowances Plan, which requires them to contribute an additional 2.5% of pensionable income.