Productive Caucus Annual Planning Meeting held in Tu Nedhé-Wììlìdeh constituency

Łutselk'e (Tuesday, September 6, 2022) – Members of the Legislative Assembly recently returned from a productive three-day annual planning meeting in Łutselkʼe and Frontier Lodge, the gateway to Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve.

Members participated in a series of Caucus meetings between August 29 and September 1. A number of topics were discussed, including legislative collaborative drafting, the Electoral Boundaries Commission final report, integrity complaint process enhancements, and the Legislative Calendar for the remainder of the 19th Legislative Assembly. Members also attended a community event in Łutselkʼe.

“With the end of this Assembly nearly upon us, it was imperative that Members come together to review our work to date and discuss what can be accomplished in the next year,” said Mrs. Frieda Martselos, Caucus Chair. “We accomplished a great deal in our three days together, and I look forward to working with Members to keep the momentum going until the end of the Assembly.”

Caucus would like to thank the people of Łutselkʼe and staff of Frontier Lodge for their outstanding hospitality. “Spending time in Łutselkʼe and the Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve was a truly humbling experience,” said Martselos. “I’m pleased that Members were able to come together outside of Yellowknife and experience the splendor of the Tu Nedhé-Wììlìdeh constituency.”

Members will be back in the House when the Second Session of the 19th Legislative Assembly reconvenes on Thursday, October 13th, 2022.

For more information, please contact:
Public Affairs and Communications
Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly